Sunday, May 8, 2011

Weight Loss Progress Stalled, Extraterrestrials and other weird stuff

Well, this weekend was chock full of social and family events and they all involved a certain degree of eating. The training during the week was not particularly hard, but at least I managed to stay at 165 lbs, as of Friday morning, so I won't check my weight again until next weekend :-) In addition, there was no Saturday ride, as one of the events was a weeding on Saturday morning. While the weight loss has been stalling a little bit, my fitness keeps improving. However, when you track and analyze your training rides and rejoice in your progress, all you have to do to bring you down is check out YouTube and watch videos like this one:

You'd only know who Fabian Cancellara is if you followed cycling. The guy probably won't ever make it to a Tour de France overall podium, but when it comes to one day races, he's more or less like The Terminator, feels no pain and he won't stop until he crosses the finish line first. The numbers displayed on his bike computer are on the Superhuman level. Now, if those numbers don't mean much to you, here's the guy in action dropping other pros (watch closely the attack at 0:52), as if they were weekend warriors hanging on for dear life:

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